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Our post production facilities boast 4, editing suites which enable us to offer 2D and 3D animations to compliment various types of video production requirements. Because of the amazing technological advances, we too can offer a world-class, video production to fit the budget for any brand, business or event. MCore is a one-stop facility and we also offer a green and white screen studio for film and still photography. Whether you need a studio panel shoot, news production, product shoots or any type of TV production, MCore can do it for you... All under one roof! Another major focus of ours is training and educational video content and have two decades experience in creating this type of content. With training videos, companies can train their staff more effectively. Through live webcasting and dynamic on-demand training modules, employees will have higher levels of retention and they can watch and process the information at their own pace. Video-based training, cuts down travel costs as employees can watch it from their desks or home offices, or even in the canteen, minimising disruption and costs. Companies can use training video productions to train their new employees as an induction process and keep them up to date on new products and policies on an on going basis. 

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